The Monument and the Prince Imperial’s Route

Directions to the Prince Imperial Monument

Take the R33 from Dundee in the direction of Vryheid.
After 10 kms turn right onto the R68 in the direction of Nqutu.
Cross STRAIGHT OVER at the cross-roads in Nqutu.
Look out for the following landmarks after Nqutu:
After 8.5 kms see a stone church on your RIGHT.
Very soon after the church, note on the right, the Vumisa Bottle Store and the Siyabantu Trading Store.
1 km further on, see the Hlubi School on the RIGHT.
1.2 kms after the school, turn LEFT onto a dirt road.
The Prince Imperial monument is 9 kms along this road.
You will eventually reach a T-junction. Turn LEFT.
CROSS OVER the causeway across the Jojosi river. Turn left et voilĂ !

Dundee to Nqutu is 52.7kms
Nqutu to the Prince Imperial monument is 19.8 kms.
Total distance from Dundee to the Monument is 72.5 kms.

Route King Dinuzulu