Prince Impérial, Louis Napoléon

16 March 1856 – 1 June 1879
Napoléon Eugène Louis Jean Joseph Bonaparte, only son of the Emperor Napoléon III and the Empress Eugénie, (the Countess of Teba and the Marchioness of Moya, Grandee of Spain of the 1st class), came out with the British re-inforcements after the battle of Isandlwana. As the Prince Imperial was the grandson of King Louis of Holland, Napoleon I’s younger brother, he was the great-nephew of Napoleon I.

The History of Prince Imperial Louis Napoleon

Louis Napoleon’s death caused an international sensation. Read more

Artist: Paul Jamin
Courtesy of the Voortrekker/uMsunduzi Museum

The Monument & Route

Take the R33 from Dundee in the direction of Vryheid. After 10 kms turn right onto the R68 in the direction of Nqutu. Cross STRAIGHT OVER at the cross-roads in Nqutu. Read more...

The Prince Impérial Rose

French blood pulses through the veins of this rose! The glowing pink blooms, with a touch of rubescence, will radiate warmth in any rose garden. Read more...

Publications & Links

Newspaper articles
The French Connection, Natal Witness
Research Papers given since 1999
« My last Thought Will Be For My Country : It Is for My Country I Should Wish To Die. Read more...

Community Projects

The projects include the Uqweqwe community that lives next to the Prince Impérial monument. Annual events highlight the KZN French Presence and the project continues to work for the development of all the communities that are touched by the progress of this project.

French Week

An annual FRENCH PRESENCE IN KZN programme runs in the week the closest to the 1 June – the date on which the Prince Imperial lost his life

Glenn Flanagan

Retired Senior French Lecturer
Project Leader: French Presence in Pietermaritzburg/KwaZulu-Natal: La Route du Prince Impérial, Louis Napoléon. Route Kind Dinuzulu